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Tree [for Charles Ives] [Gouache on book page] vergrössern © 2019 Ralph Lichtensteiger · All Rights Reserved.

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Ives, Charles [1874-1954]

Why tonality as such should be thrown out for good I can't see. Why it should always be present I can't see. It depends, it seems to me. . . on what one is trying to do, and on the state of the mind, the time of day or other accidents of life. — Charles Ives, Essays 117

Charles Ives, Essays before a sonata (New York, 1920) | archive [dot] org | Link

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Bitonalität, Polytonalität
Quarter tones
Central Park in the Dark, 1906
Three Places in New England, 1908-1914
Mad Music
Baseball [Timothy A. Johnson]
Beethoven Zitate
Connecticut Yankee
Symphony No. 1, 1898-1901 [Stolperfallen]
Symphony No. 2, 1897-1902 [quotation of popular American tunes]
Symphony No. 3, The Camp Meeting, 1908-1910
Symphony No. 4, 1912-1918; rev. 1924-1926
Universe Symphony [incomplete, 1915-1928] [...to paint the creation, the mysterious beginnings of all things...the evolution of all life in nature, of humanity from the great roots of life to the spiritual eternities, from the great inknown to the great unknown. — Ch. Ives]
String Quartet No. 2, 1913-1915
Sonatas for Violin & Piano No. 1-4, 1901-1904 [Gilbert Kalish, Paul Zukofsky, Nonesuch LP]
The Unanswered Question, 1908
114 Songs, 1922
The Celestial Country, 1898/1899
Märsche, Tänze, Ragtime
Ives & Myrick; Ives & Co [1907, with Julian Myrick]
Henry Cowell, Nicolas Slonimsky, Lou Harrison
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau

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Yale University Library | A Descriptive Catalogue of The Music of Charles Ives | Link

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Ives, Charles · Essays Before a Sonata (1920)
Ives, Charles · Memos [edited by John Kirkpatrick] (1972)
Paul, David C. · Charles Ives in the Mirror. American Histories of an Iconic Composer (2013)
Sinclair, James B. · A Descriptive Catalogue of the Music of Charles Ives (1999)
Swafford, Jan · Charles Ives. Life with Music (Norton, 1996)

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